a. The Chief Selector Contest is a consumer contest sponsored and organized by Britannia Industries Ltd.


b. The contest is applicable for select variants of the Britannia 50-50 brand of biscuits wherein the participant shall participate by getting a pack of the Product (as defined herein below) and participate in the Contest as per these Terms and Conditions. 


c. These terms and conditions apply to the Contest and aspects thereof. By participating in the Contest, the Participants fully and unconditionally agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions.


d. These Terms and Conditions are subject to our Privacy Policy which can be accessed at chief selector microsite.




a. “Agency” shall mean Schbang


b. “Contest” shall mean this contest 


c. “Contest Period” shall mean the period of the Contest defined hereunder


d. “Customer”(s) shall mean any person who purchases a packet of the Product 


e. “Participant”(s) shall mean any Customer entering the Contest upon fulfilling the Eligibility Criteria (as defined hereunder) and take part in the Contest, as per the mode of participation as provided hereunder. 


f. “Terms & Conditions” shall mean these Terms and Conditions for the Contest. 


g. “Product” shall mean the following:


Brand & Sub-brand


50-50 Maska Chaska 300g
50-50  Maska Chaska40.5g
50-50  Maska Chaska 105g
50-50 150g
50-50 76g
50-50 72.5g
50-50 62.8g
50-50 188g
50-50 Golmal 170g
50-50 Golmal 57G+19g
50-50 Golmal 110g
50-50 Golmal 61.5g
50-50 Golmal 66g






h. “Winner”(s) shall mean the Participant winning the Contest as per these Terms and Conditions


i. “Mega Prize Winner”(s) shall mean the Participant winning the Mega Prize, as per these Terms and Conditions


Explanation: The terms and conditions herein applicable for Participants, shall be deemed to be applicable to the Winners and Mega Prize Winner as well, at all times.




a. The Contest will be valid from 17 June 2024 to 15 September 2024 (“Contest Period”). Britannia reserves the right to cancel/amend/extend the Contest Period without giving any notice or intimation. 


b. No requests or questions shall be entertained regarding extending or amending the Contest Period in any manner.


c. Entries received outside the Contest Period will not be eligible for the Contest. However, Britannia/ Agency reserves its sole right to accept/ reject entries received outside the Contest period, if any. 




a. Subject to other criteria and conditions stated in the terms of the Contest, the Contest will be open to all residents of India. 


b. By accessing and participating in the Contest, the Participants agree to comply with all applicable laws, and ensure that the participation does not in any manner result in any violation of applicable laws. 


c. The Contest is subject to all applicable central, state and local laws and regulations.




This Contest will be open to every individual aged 18 years or above and residing in India. 


a. Participant should not be facing any criminal/civil or any other legal proceedings which may prejudice the participation in the Campaign in any way


b. Employees of Britannia and their relatives, and promotion agencies and their respective relatives their respective agents, distributors, retailers and any other channel partner, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in the Contest. 


c. Participant agrees to share their phone number/ WhatsApp number to Britannia/ Agency, as applicable (if not previously shared) for written/ verbal communications from Britannia/ Agency, as applicable with regard to the Contest. Participants who do not have a valid Phone/ Whatsapp number will not be eligible to participate in the Contest.


d. The Winner needs to have a valid passport with at least 8-months validity on the last date of the Contest Period i.e. 15 Sep 2024, subject to applicable local laws.


e. The participants, upon request from Britannia/ Agency will have to provide their PAN Card or Passport or Aadhaar Card or Driving License or Voter Card or Government issued ID card (collectively referred to as ‘ID Proof’). The Winners will be announced post verification of the ID proof.


f. Demanding of ID Proof is a part of the evaluation process and it does not mean that the entry has been finalized or the participant has been selected or that the Prize is guaranteed.


g. Britannia/ Agency reserves the right to exclude any person from participating or winning the Contest on grounds of misconduct, misrepresentation, coercion, fraud, deceit or for any other reasons, as it may deem fit and proper. No communication in this regard from the Participant or his representatives shall be entertained by Britannia/ Agency. 


It is advised and suggested that the Participants must ensure that they are in good health to take part in this Contest and enjoy the Prize offered if selected as a Winner.



a. In order to participate in this Contest, Participants have to: 


i. Purchase the Product and scan the QR Code appearing on the pack;

ii. Authenticate the entry with the User Details & OTP and scan the authorisation code; 

iii. Upon entering the page, Participants have to either:

                           - Draw a unique shape in the image of the biscuit, with available tools on the website; OR

                           - Bite the Product in a unique shape and scan the half-eaten biscuit image;  

iv. Submit design drawn OR the shape of half-eaten biscuit, whichever is applicable.


Please note that one pack of the Product provides only one chance to participate in the Contest. i.e. Participants have only one chance to participate in the Contest with one pack of the Product.



a. The unique shape drawn on the website with the tool OR the image of the half-eaten Product scanned, shall be analysed by AI.

b. The shape/ image which comes closest to the pre-determined shapes in the internal repository shall collect points.

c. The Participants topping the leaderboard with more points/ percentage shall be declared Winners/ Mega Prize Winners.


d. The decision of Britannia/ Agency shall be final and binding on the Participant in this matter. Britannia/ Agency shall in no case entertain any questions, correspondence, enquiries on the manner of the selection of Winners. 

e. Britannia/ Agency shall, at all times, have the right to exercise its discretion on the selection of Winners, in order to ensure equity and fairness for all Participants, as per the Terms and Conditions.


a. The first 162,008 Participants of the Contest who are declared Winners shall win an assured cash back of Rs. 10/-. A Participant can receive the cash back only once. 

b. Other Prizes, including Mega Prize, are awarded as per the position of each Winner in the leaderboard. Details are as follows: 




Cash back of INR. 10,00,000/- (Indian Rupees Ten Lakh only)

Topper of the leader board

Mega Prize (details provided below)

Next 4 positions in the leaderboard





c. The Mega Prize Winners shall win a trip to Australia, subject to fulfilling other eligibility requirements. Every Participant is eligible to win only 1 Mega Prize.

d. The Mega Prize includes the following:


i. Economy return tickets between ______ and _______.

ii. Hotel stay OR allowance (Trip duration: _ nights and _ days).

iii. A Cricket Match ticket 

iv. Local transfer or allowance.

v. Meal or allowance.


Above may be subject to change at the sole discretion of Britannia.


e. The Winner will be eligible for only 1 Cricket Match Ticket (Match Ticket) in Australia. The Agency shall be solely responsible for arranging the Ticket. 


f. No Winner shall have any right to claim a Match Ticket for any other category of seating or any other match, other than the ones issued by the Agency.


g. No Winner shall trade/sell/transfer or create a charge or lien on the ticket or seek refund thereof. Britannia/ Agency shall not be held responsible for any such offence/violation.


h. Britannia/Agency shall not be responsible for issuing fresh Match Ticket, in case the scheduled match gets postponed or cancelled or abandoned or for any reason, whatsoever or the event does not take place on the scheduled date and venue. No Winner shall be eligible to claim any compensation or refund of ticket value or issuance of fresh Ticket.

i. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner to reach the Cricket match venue on time. The Prize shall not cover any extra/ancillary costs, other than the ones specifically mentioned in the Terms and Conditions.

j. The Prize will be provided on an "as-is where-is basis" and without any express or implied warranty or guarantee concerning the quality, suitability or comfort. The Britannia /Agency, their associates, directors, officers, agents, representatives shall not be responsible or liable for any deficiency or any other dispute in relation to and/or concerning the Prize. Britannia /Agency will not entertain any claims whatsoever in this regard.

k. Britannia /Agency are not responsible for any deficiency and/ or defect in, or relating to, any product/service and/or the Prizes or for any kind of consequential damages/ loss, bodily harm/ injury or death, in any manner whatsoever. 


l. The image of the Prize depicted on the ads/posters/pack shots etc. are indicative only and the actual Prizes/ look of the Prize may vary from such pictures.

m. The Prize under this Contest is not transferable, can’t be traded, exchanged, sold, replaced or adjusted with anything including other prizes/ gifts/ benefits in lieu thereof, if any or cash except at the sole discretion of Britannia/ Agency.

n. The Prizes under this Contest are free of cost and the Winners are not required to pay for the same or send any money or share any Bank or Card details with Britannia/ Agency. Britannia/ Agency shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the Participant if any money is paid, transferred or bank/card related details are shared by the Participant.

o. It is clarified that the responsibility for obtaining a valid Visa including but not limited to a Transit Visa (where applicable) for travel to the destination concerned and also for ensuring fulfilment of any other travel requirements will be solely and exclusively that of the Participant including the responsibility to meet all costs in relation thereto. The Britannia/ Agency shall, if they so deem appropriate in any given case, render assistance to any Participant at their sole discretion without any monetary consideration or obligation and/or responsibility on their part. It is clarified that Britannia/ Agency shall have no responsibility/liability if a Participant is unable to travel to the destination concerned due to failure to obtain a valid Visa/relevant travel documents/approvals within the applicable travel time and Britannia/ Agency shall entertain no claims in this regard. 


a. The Participant/s provides express consent and hereby undertakes to irrevocably and unconditionally permit Britannia/ Agency to cover/ promote the Contest through various media including newspapers, radio, television, news channels, internet, point of sale materials, digital media etc., and shall not raise any objection or make, protest or demur to such coverage/ promotion.

b. Each Participant/ Winner understands and agrees that their entries including their name/ image may be used by Britannia/ Agency for reasonable purposes. All the rights including but not limited to the intellectual property rights, copyrights and all other allied, ancillary and subsidiary rights in the entry/ies shall vest with Britannia/ Agency absolutely for perpetuity, throughout the world.


c. Britannia/ Agency will collect Participant’s personal information such as official name, including any alias, Phone number and such other details of the Participant, in order to conduct the Contest. If the said information is not provided, Participant understands that the participation of such Participant would be as per the sole discretion of Britannia/ Agency. 


d. By entering the Contest, unless otherwise advised, each Participant also agree that Britannia/ Agency or its affiliates may use such personal information, or disclose it to other organizations for use in any media for future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes. Participant understand that Britannia/ Agency is not liable to acknowledge/ give credits, provide further reference, or payment or such other compensation or recognition to the Participant. Participants' personal information may be disclosed to statutory authorities, if required.




a. Britannia shall publish the list of winners along with requisite details during or upon conclusion of the Contest, as applicable. The said list of winners shall be published at chief selector_microsite.




a. Britannia/ Agency shall not be responsible if the Participants are not receiving the Prize on account of the Participant not meeting the Eligibility Criteria.


b. Britannia/ Agency shall not be responsible for (including but not limited to):


I. Any lost, late, or misdirected computer transmission or network, electronic failures, or any kind of any failure to receive entries owing to transmission failures or due to any technical or any other reason;


II. If the Participant has registered himself to the DND of the telecom provider/ the Participant has registered with National Do Not Call Registry – Any failure by reason thereof;


III. Other conditions beyond the control of Britannia/ Agency, including Force Majeure.

c. Even if the Participants are registered under NDNC, DND (Do Not Disturb), or under any other similar regulation, Britannia/ Agency or its Agency will still have all the authority to call the Participant. Participants agree to receive communications related to the Contest and expressly waives of any right/ privilege, by virtue of them having voluntarily participated in the Contest. 

d. Each Participant is responsible for their respective conduct/ behaviour, and Britannia/ Agency holds no responsibility in this regard. 



a. All right, title and interest, including but not limited to the Intellectual Property Rights, in the promotional material(s) and in any and all responses received shall vest solely and exclusively with Britannia at all times. Britannia or any person or entity permitted by Britannia shall be entitled to use the responses received or any information in connection with the Participant’s entry in any media for future promotional, marketing, publicity and any other purpose, without any permission and or consideration to the Participant.

b. All material submitted in connection with the Contest (whether written, audio, electronic or visual form, or a combination of those) or any photographs, video and/or film footage and/or audio recording taken of Participants are assigned to Britannia upon submission and become the property of Britannia exclusively. Britannia may use the material in any medium in any reasonable manner it sees fit. Copyright in any shall be deemed to have been assigned to Britannia and such material shall remain the sole property of Britannia.




a. For any queries pertaining to this Contest, Participants may visit _5050cricket.co.in________________ (“Contest Website”) or call at the Customer Care Number _________ from Monday to Saturday between 10:30 IST to 17:30 IST (lines closed on public & bank holidays).




A. Each Participant represents and warrants that he/she is legally competent to enter into binding contracts under applicable laws. By taking part and/or entering into the Contest the Participant warrants that all information provided by Participant regarding Participant's name, age, state, city, address, phone number, etc., is true, correct, accurate and complete.


Queries & Disputes


B. No queries, claims, dispute, complaints or grievances shall be entertained by Britannia/ Agency after 30 days from the date of the closure of the contest.


Disqualification of entries


C. Any entry that is abusive or sexually explicit or disrespectful to any community/religion/place/person etc. will be disqualified and such act will be reported to the relevant authorities and appropriate action shall be taken against such Participant. No communication in this regard will be entertained. 


D. Failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions (including instructions) will disqualify the Participant from continuing to take part in the Contest and such Participant's participation will be invalid. Britannia/ Agency retains the sole discretion to refuse Participants the right to participate if it is of the opinion that these terms and conditions are not followed.


E. The Participants undertake that he/ she shall not under any circumstances, engage in conduct which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, derogatory or defamatory or generally damaging the goodwill or reputation of the Contest/ Britannia/ Agency. The Britannia/ Agency reserves the right to disqualify any Participant or take such other action as it may deem fit, against such Participants who tamper or attempts to create an undue influence with the entry process or submits an entry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions or who has, in the opinion of Britannia/ Agency, engaged in conduct which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, derogatory or defamatory or generally damaging the goodwill or reputation of the Contest/ Britannia/ Agency/ Celebrities associated in connection therewith. 


Amendment Rights


F. Britannia/ Agency reserves the right to change, defer, alter, extend or cancel/terminate this Contest in part or full, or change any or all of the terms and conditions that are applicable, without giving prior intimation/notice of any kind and will not be liable for any consequential losses/damages. Britannia/ Agency may also amend the type of Contest, submission mechanism, eligibility criteria, term of the Contest, and the prizes for the Contest. Britannia/ Agency reserves the right to amend, temporarily suspend or withdraw the Contest in its absolute discretion provided that Britannia/ Agency shall not exercise this right unreasonably. All decisions of Britannia/ Agency in respect of the Contest and the Prizes therein will be final, binding and conclusive.


Liability of Britannia/ Agency


G. Britannia/ Agency shall not be liable to perform any of its/their respective obligations under the Contest or in respect of the Prize where it is unable to do so as a result of circumstances beyond its/their control in the nature of fire, explosions, natural calamities, state emergency, riots, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine or any other Force Majeure condition, etc., and shall not be liable to compensate or pay damages to the Participant in these circumstances.


H. Britannia/ Agency shall not be accountable/liable for any disruptions/stoppages/interruptions or cancellation of the Contest due to any law and order situation or government restrictions/ judicial pronouncements.


I. Britannia/ Agency shall not be liable to award/compensate/exchange or in any manner pay or Contest in case  they fail to provide the Prize under this Contest due to any cause beyond their reasonable control or foresight, including but not limited to: act of god, insurrection or civil disorder, religious strife, war or military operations, terrorist act, partial or total strikes, either internal or external, lock-out, epidemic, blockage of means of transport or of supplies, national or local emergency, earthquake, fire, storm, flood, water damage, governmental, regulatory or legal restrictions, pandemic/epidemic, area being unserviceable by Premium Courier or Postal Services, Or act or omissions of persons for whom Britannia/ Agency is not responsible.


J. Britannia/ Agency accept no liability, whether jointly or severally, for any errors or omissions, in relation to winning the Contest. The Participant shall be solely responsible for any consequences which may arise from his/her participation in the Contest. Participant also undertakes to indemnify Britannia/ Agency and its officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents, on the happening of such illegal acts committed by the Participant. 


K. Britannia/ Agency shall not be responsible for late, falsified, delayed, incomplete or destroyed entries and all such entries are void and may be disqualified at any time. Britannia/ Agency does not assume any responsibility for incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry information, technical malfunctions, human or technical error, lost delayed or garbled data or transmissions, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defect or failures of any telephone or computer lines or networks, computer equipment, software or any combination thereof. Entry materials/ data that have been tampered with or altered are void.


L. Britannia/ Agency is not liable for any problems, errors, or negligence that may arise or occur in connection with this Contest, including but not limited to, any damage to the Participant's computer or other technical device, or software, as a result of the Participant's participation in this Contest. Britannia/ Agency shall not be liable in any way for any failure or breach by any party in connection with this Contest, prize or prizes and accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered by a participant arising from this Contest, prize or prizes.


M. Failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy provided hereunder or by law does not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or waiver of other rights or remedies on the part of Britannia/ Agency.


Compliance with local laws


N. If a person chooses to access the Contest Website from outside India, he/she shall do so on his/her own initiative and shall be responsible for compliance with applicable local laws of the country over and above laws applicable in India. Britannia/ Agency shall not be responsible for Participant’s compliance with any local laws (including tax laws) outside India.


O. By participating in this Contest, each Participant has specifically and voluntarily waived off any right or privilege, with respect to the management, processing, retention of information provided in connection with this Contest.  


Acceptance of TnC


P. The participation in the Contest is purely voluntary and the same shall be construed as an acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulated herein.


Confidentiality & Publicity


Q. The entry, comments of Participants including Winners or Mega Prize Winners, if any or any other materials sent to Britannia/ Agency including feedback and other communications of any kind shall be deemed to be non-confidential. Britannia/ Agency is free to reproduce, distribute and publicly display such feedback and entries received towards this Contest without limitations or obligation of any kind. Britannia/ Agency is also free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such feedback for any purpose. Britannia/ Agency reserves the right to analyse and summarize data that is collected and also reserves the right to publish, distribute, share summaries of the data collected with sponsors or other business partners without limitations or obligations of any kind subject to applicable laws.




R. By entering this Contest, Participants agree to hold harmless Britannia/ Agency, and its officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents, against any and all liability, damages or causes of action (however named or described) with respect to or arising out of: (i) Participant's participation in the Contest; (ii) the selection criteria or process; (iii) the administration of the Contest; (iv) delivery of the prize for reasons not attributable to Agency and (v) the quality, warranty, functioning or anything relating to the prize. Participants hereby release, waive and discharge any and all claims of damage, loss or causes of action (including negligence) including but not limited to loss or damage to person or property which the Participant and his/her representatives or assignees may have, suffer or which may hereinafter accrue to the Participant or as a result of the Participant's participation in the Contest or use of the subscription.


S. The Participants acknowledge that the quality of the Prize, and the services of the courier service are not controlled or supervised by Britannia/ Agency or its Agency, hence any issue with relation to delay in delivery or damage in transit shall have to addressed to the Courier delivery partner and defect in Prize or Prize related services shall have to addressed to the manufacturer or service provider of the  Prize /service alone and Britannia/ Agency or its Agency shall not be held responsible for it. 



T. If any provision of these terms and conditions is challenged/ found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect. Indian laws shall be exclusively applicable to any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Contest or these terms and conditions.




U. The interpretation and implementation of the Terms and Conditions shall be at the sole discretion of Britannia/ Agency. The decisions of Britannia / Agency with respect to aspects of the Contest shall be final and binding, and not subject to challenge or appeal.


Applicable law and dispute resolution


V. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws in India. Any dispute including any dispute arising out of all matters with respect to this Contest shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Bangalore, India. All the disputes/complaints/queries, if any, shall be entertained only within one month of the Contest getting over and be directed to Agency @ _________. Any Winner approaching Britannia/ Agency with any disputes/complaints/queries after the expiry of the aforesaid one month from 15 September 2024 shall not be considered for resolution, subject to the sole discretion of Britannia/ Agency.